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5 Exciting Autumn Activities to Do in the UK

Autumn in the UK is a season of transformation, where the vibrant reds, oranges, and yellows of the trees create a stunning landscape. As the air turns crisp, it’s the perfect time to dive into various autumn activities. Whether you’re soaking in the beauty of nature or staying active with your family, this season has something for everyone. Instead of retreating indoors completely, why not embrace the outdoors while it lasts?

With cooler weather, it’s a great opportunity to enjoy activities like trampoline, which not only keep you moving but add a playful twist to your autumn routine. The change in seasons doesn’t mean the fun has to stop. On the contrary, autumn offers a wide range of experiences that will keep both adults and children entertained.

Boy Showing Leaf - Trampoline - supertramp.co.uk

From outdoor treasure hunts to bouncing on trampolines surrounded by colourful leaves, these activities will keep the spirit of summer alive while welcoming the refreshing new season.

So, as you swap out your summer wardrobe for cosy scarves and gloves, why not fill your weekends with exciting autumn adventures? Here are the top 5 autumn activities in the UK that will make saying goodbye to summer and embracing autumn a delight for the whole family.

Enjoy Trampolining in the Crisp Autumn Air

Little Girl Jumping on Trampoline in Winter Season - supertramp.co.uk

Autumn activities in the UK offer a unique charm, and trampolining is one that truly stands out. Bouncing high through the crisp autumn air, surrounded by the vibrant colours of falling leaves, is an experience like no other. The cool breeze and fresh atmosphere make it the perfect time to enjoy trampolining, whether in your garden or at a local trampoline park. It’s not just fun—trampolining in autumn offers great health benefits too!

The cooler weather is ideal for outdoor exercise, making trampolining much more enjoyable than during the summer heat. The refreshing air helps regulate body temperature, allowing you to stay active longer without feeling overheated. Plus, trampolining gets your heart pumping, strengthens muscles, and improves coordination—all while being a blast for the whole family.

Autumn Trampoline Safety Tips

If you’re setting up your trampoline outdoors, safety becomes even more important in autumn. Here are some key tips to ensure your trampoline is safe and secure during the season:

  • Stability: Autumn winds can be strong, so ensure your trampoline is securely anchored to the ground to prevent it from shifting or tipping over.
  • Weather Conditions: Always check the weather before bouncing. If it’s wet or slippery from rain, it’s best to wait until the trampoline is dry to avoid accidents. A weather cover can be a great investment—keeping your trampoline protected from rain and moisture ensures it’s ready for use whenever the skies clear up.
  • Proper Netting: Make sure the safety netting is in good condition and properly installed. Regularly inspect the trampoline’s frame and netting for any wear and tear that autumn weather might cause, ensuring it stays safe for everyone.

Trampolining in autumn can be a magical experience. Jumping into a sea of colourful leaves adds an extra element of fun, making it an exciting activity for children and adults alike. Whether you’re bouncing to stay fit or simply enjoying the beauty of the season, trampolining is one of the best autumn activities to keep you active, entertained, and connected with Mother Nature.

Autumn Treasure Hunt

Little Boy sitting in park at Autumn Season - supertramp.co.uk

When it comes to autumn activities in the UK, few things are as fun and engaging as an autumn treasure hunt. It’s the perfect way for families and friends to explore the outdoors, whether in a local park, the woods, or even your garden. 

Autumn-themed objects like golden leaves, shiny conkers, and spiky acorns make fantastic treasures to search for. You can make a list of items for everyone to find, giving both children and adults a reason to venture out and soak in the beauty of autumn. 

But why not add an active twist to your treasure hunt? 

Trampoline Treasure Hunt Fun

Combine trampolining with the fun! Set up a challenge where participants must complete a bounce on the inground trampoline before collecting their next treasure. This will add a great way to keep everyone moving and engaged, especially on a sunny autumn afternoon.

  • Explore Local Parks or Gardens: Parks and woodlands are full of autumn treasures waiting to be found. With the stunning colours of the season all around, participants can enjoy the scenery while hunting for their next item.
  • Mix in Trampolining: To make it even more fun, add trampolining into the mix. Set challenges where players must bounce a certain number of times before they can continue their search. It keeps the treasure hunt lively and adds an exciting twist that everyone will love.
  • Great for All Ages: Whether you’re planning it for children, teens, or adults, an autumn treasure hunt is a wonderful way to bond while staying active. Everyone can take part, making it the perfect family-friendly activity.

Autumn treasure hunts not only offer an opportunity to appreciate nature, but they also bring a sense of adventure to the season. By combining this traditional activity with the playful energy of trampolining, you can create a day of unforgettable autumn fun for the whole family.

Grow Your Autumn Harvest

Hand Holding Basket Filled with Apples - Garden Trampoline - supertramp.co.uk

One of the most rewarding autumn activities in the UK is growing your autumn harvest. As the season of change, autumn is the perfect time to plant hardy crops that thrive in the cooler climate. It’s an activity that not only connects you with nature but also fills your kitchen with fresh, homegrown produce.

Autumn is ideal for planting simple crops like garlic, apple, onions, cucumber, Broccoli, and leafy greens, which are well-suited to the UK’s climate. These crops are easy to grow and can survive the cooler months, providing fresh ingredients throughout winter. 

Repurpose Your Old Trampoline

If you have an old trampoline lying around, you can creatively repurpose its frame and equipment for gardening. Here are a few ideas:

  • Trampoline Frame as a Climbing Trellis: An old trampoline frame can serve as a sturdy trellis for climbing plants like beans, peas, or even vine tomatoes. The circular shape offers ample space for multiple plants to grow upwards, making it an ideal structure for vertical gardening.
  • Netting for Plant Protection: The trampoline’s safety netting can be repurposed to protect delicate crops from birds and pests. Simply cover your garden beds or growing areas with the netting to create a protective barrier that still allows sunlight and rain to nourish your plants.
  • Shade for Sensitive Plants: The family trampoline mat itself can be transformed into a shading structure to protect more sensitive plants from excessive sunlight or frost. It’s an easy way to extend the growing season for certain crops by giving them some extra shelter.

Gardening in autumn not only provides a way to grow your fresh food but also creates a sustainable, eco-friendly lifestyle. Repurposing old trampoline equipment in your garden is a clever and practical way to keep things green—both in your garden and in your efforts to reduce waste. So, whether you’re planting onions or setting up a DIY trellis, growing your autumn harvest is a fulfilling activity that brings both joy and nourishment.

Attend an Oktoberfest Celebration

Beer & Hot Dogs - Playground Trampoline - supertramp.co.uk

One of the most exciting autumn activities in the UK is attending an Oktoberfest celebration. Originally a German tradition, Oktoberfest has become a popular event across the UK, offering a lively mix of music, food, and fun that the whole family can enjoy. It’s the perfect way to experience a bit of Bavarian culture while celebrating the vibrant autumn season.

You can find family-friendly Oktoberfest events in many towns and cities, complete with live bands playing traditional oompah music, festive parades, and stalls selling delicious pretzels, bratwurst, and other German delicacies. Venues like London, Manchester, and Birmingham host some of the biggest celebrations, but smaller towns also have their charming versions that cater to local communities.

To make the most of your Oktoberfest experience, here are a few tips:

  • Find Family-Friendly Events: Many Oktoberfest celebrations in the UK offer kid-friendly zones with games and activities, ensuring that it’s not just the adults having fun. Look for events that have family-focused entertainment like face painting, fairground rides, and dancing.
  • Enjoy Traditional Food and Drinks: From savoury bratwurst to sweet pretzels, Oktoberfest is a great opportunity to indulge in delicious German cuisine. You can even try some non-alcoholic beverages like traditional apple juice or fizzy lemonades if you’re attending with younger family members.
  • Soak in the Live Music and Performances: One of the main highlights of Oktoberfest is the lively atmosphere, fuelled by live music and performances. Oompah bands and folk dances create a festive vibe that will have everyone clapping along and joining in on the fun.

Attending an Oktoberfest celebration is one of the most festive autumn activities, offering a chance to embrace the cultural flavours of the season. Whether you’re enjoying the traditional food, listening to upbeat music, or simply soaking in the joyous atmosphere, it’s an event that brings people together for an unforgettable autumn experience.

Host a Mini Autumn Festival at Home

Women's Sitting with Cat Pealing an Apples - Round Trampoline - supertramp.co.uk

Autumn activities in the UK don’t have to be limited to parks and festivals—you can create your very own mini-autumn festival at home! This is a wonderful way to gather family and friends for a fun-filled day that celebrates the beauty of the season, all without leaving your doorstep. With some simple DIY activities and a bit of creativity, your garden can transform into an autumn wonderland.

Start by setting up DIY autumn crafts that guests of all ages can enjoy. Leaf crafts are always a hit—gather colourful fallen leaves from your garden or local park and let everyone create their autumn-themed art. You can also offer face painting, with designs inspired by autumn colours or even Halloween themes. Add a few seasonal snacks like caramel apples, pumpkin muffins, or warm spiced cider, and you’ve got the perfect cosy setting for your mini-festival.

Exciting Trampoline Challenge Games

To keep the energy high and your guests entertained, include trampoline challenge games as part of the fun. Here are a few active trampoline ideas that will have both children and adults jumping with joy:

  • Obstacle Course Challenge: Create a simple obstacle course on the rectangle trampoline with soft items like pool noodles, hula hoops, and cushions. Guests can race against each other to complete the course while bouncing, adding a playful twist to the competition.
  • Trampoline Freeze Tag: A classic game of freeze tag, but with a bouncy twist. Players must tag each other while staying on the trampoline, and the added element of bouncing makes it extra challenging and fun!
  • Balloon Pop Challenge: Scatter balloons around the trampoline, and the goal is to pop as many as possible while jumping. It’s a great way to get everyone involved, and the excitement of popping balloons adds to the festival spirit.

Hosting a mini autumn festival at home is one of the most engaging autumn activities, bringing people together in a relaxed, festive atmosphere. With a combination of DIY crafts, seasonal snacks, and trampoline games, your mini festival will be a hit for all ages, creating lasting memories and celebrating the joys of the season. Whether you’re jumping, crafting, or simply enjoying the crisp autumn air, this is a perfect way to bring a touch of festival fun to your garden.


As the leaves turn and the air becomes crisp, autumn unveils a world of enchanting possibilities just waiting to be explored. This season invites us to embrace new experiences with family and friends, from treasure hunts to DIY crafts, all while staying active and connected. Trampolining, in particular, offers a unique way to blend fun and fitness, allowing everyone to bounce into the magic of autumn together.

So why not dive into these exciting activities? Whether it’s jumping high on a trampoline or hosting your own mini festival, each moment spent together creates cherished memories. And if you’re searching for the perfect trampoline to enhance your autumn adventures, look no further than Super Tramp Trampoline —your go-to destination for quality and fun!

We’d love to hear from you! Share your favourite autumn activities or your trampoline experiences in the comments below or tag us on social media. Get ready to jump into autumn and create unforgettable moments with your loved ones!


Popular autumn activities include pumpkin picking, nature walks, and outdoor sports like trampolining to enjoy the crisp weather.

In the UK, autumn brings beautiful foliage, cooler temperatures, and a perfect time for outdoor autumn activities like trampolining in parks.

You can make autumn special by embracing outdoor autumn activities such as trampolining, exploring parks, or hosting seasonal gatherings with friends.

The UK has many beautiful spots in October, with places like the Lake District or Scottish Highlands offering stunning views for autumn activities like hiking and trampolining.

To enjoy autumn, try engaging in outdoor autumn activities such as trampolining, picnics, or scenic nature walks to soak in the season’s beauty.