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The Role of Nutrition in Maximising Performance on Sport Trampolines

The Role of Nutrition in Maximising Performance on Sport Trampolines - supertramp.co.uk

As a trampolinist, you know that nutrition plays a massive role in your performance. Proper intake can be the difference between nailing that triple layout or crashing on the double tuck. Hydration, proper supplements and meal timing can help you bounce higher and flip faster. Whether you’re a recreational jumper or an elite competitor, nutrients work for all and helps to maximise energy and recovery. 

In this blog, you will learn about the role of nutrition in maximising performance on sport trampolines.

Understanding the demands of sport trampolining

Understanding the demands of sport trampolining - supertramp.co.uk

As an athlete, your body is put under immense stress while jumping, flipping, and twisting. The rise of sport trampolines in the Olympics have gotten people’s attention in recent times. Proper nutrition is essential to meet these demands, maximise your performance, and avoid injury.

The Physical Workout

Trampolining works nearly every muscle group in your body through repetitive impact and aerial skills. Your legs, core, and upper body are constantly engaged to launch you up and control your body in the air. This high-intensity exercise requires large amounts of energy and taxes your anaerobic system. Without adequate nutrition, your muscles will fatigue quickly and your performance will suffer.

Powering Performance

To meet the physical challenges, focus on consuming carbohydrates, protein, and nutrients that provide energy and aid muscle recovery. A balanced diet with whole foods like oats, rice, lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables will give you the fuel you need. Staying properly hydrated is also key since trampolining leads to a high loss of fluids through sweat. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to avoid dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.

Nutrition Tips

Some tips to maximise your nutrition for trampolining:

  • Eat a carb- and protein-rich meal 2-3 hours before training.
  • Have a snack with carbs and protein within an hour after training to aid recovery.
  • Aim for 6-8 carb servings, 2-3 protein servings, and 2 fat servings per day.
  • Choose high-quality, nutrient-dense foods whenever possible.
  • Consider supplements like protein powder or creatine to support your needs.

Proper nutrition and hydration are essential for any athlete, especially if you are training on a 14ft trampoline. Pay close attention to your body’s needs and you’ll jump higher, last longer, and achieve your full potential.

Essential nutrients for Sport trampoline performance

Essential nutrients for Sport trampoline performance - supertramp.co.uk

Complex carbohydrates – found in foods like oats, rice, potatoes, pasta, and vegetables – are ideal.

They provide a steady supply of energy and help avoid the ‘sugar crash’ from simple carbohydrates. Aim for complex carbs at each meal, especially in the hours leading up to your training session.

Sugar and simple carbs also have a place, but timing is key.

Have some honey, fruit or a sports drink about 30-60 minutes before training. The spike in blood sugar provides an energy boost. But avoid large amounts of sugar right before bed, as excess energy may disrupt your sleep.

Eating a balanced diet with lean proteins, healthy fats, and carbohydrates at each meal will provide the sustained energy you need for demanding trampolining workouts and competitions. But paying special attention to your carb intake, and properly timing consumption of carbs and fluids, can give you an added advantage. The role of good nutrition in sports cannot be overstated. Fueling your body with the right amounts of the right nutrients will maximise your potential on the trampoline.


Proteins - supertramp.co.uk

The Power of Protein

Protein is essential for sport trampoline enthusiasts to build and repair muscle. As you practise routines and skills, tiny tears form in your muscles. Protein provides the amino acids your body needs to repair these tears, which in turn makes your muscles stronger and allows them to work better. For trampolinists, protein is particularly important after a workout when your muscles are primed to absorb it.

High-Quality Sources

Some of the best sources of protein for athletes include:

Lean meats like chicken, fish, and turkey: These provide all the amino acids your body needs with less saturated fat than red meat. Aim for 6-8 ounces 2-3 times per day.

•Eggs: Eggs are a perfect protein and contain many vitamins and minerals important for performance and recovery. Eat 2-3 eggs per day, such as an omelette with veggies and cheese for breakfast or a scramble for dinner.

•Dairy: Greek yoghurt, milk, and cheese also provide high-quality protein and calcium for bone health. Choose plain yoghurt and add fruit and honey for extra carbs.

•Plant-based proteins: For vegetarian trampolinists, foods like nuts, seeds, beans, lentils, and soy products like tofu can provide protein. However, you may need to combine multiple sources to get all the amino acids your body needs.

Timing is Everything

For the best results, aim to have a serving of protein within an hour after your workout, as well as with each meal throughout the day. Start with 20-30 grams of protein per meal, and consider a post-workout whey protein shake to maximise muscle recovery. With the right amount and types of protein in your diet, you’ll gain strength, build endurance, and achieve optimal performance on the trampoline.


Fats - supertramp.co.uk

Energy Fuel

Fats are essential for providing energy to power you through intense trampolining workouts and competitions. Unlike carbohydrates, fats are a concentrated source of energy, providing more than double the amount of energy per gram. The fats you eat are stored in your body and broken down into fatty acids, which your muscles can use as fuel during exercise.

Healthy Fats

Focus on consuming healthy unsaturated fats, especially omega-3 fatty acids. Excellent sources include fatty fish like salmon, chia seeds, flax seeds, and walnuts. These fats reduce inflammation in the body, lubricate your joints, and promote brain health. Saturated fats from red meat and full-fat dairy products should be limited.

Impact on Performance

Eating the right amount and types of fats will help maximise your performance. Healthy fats provide energy, help absorb certain nutrients, and reduce inflammation from the pounding impacts of trampolining. Omega-3s in particular may enhance reaction times and balance, both important for the technical skills in trampolining.

The ideal amount of fat for athletes is 20 to 35 percent of total daily calories, emphasising unsaturated fats. For a typical trampolinist, this could be 70 to 125 grams of fat per day. Be sure to also get enough protein and carbs, and stay hydrated. The balance of all three macronutrients—carbs, protein and fat—is key for optimising your nutrition and success as a trampoline athlete.

Key Points:

  • Fats provide concentrated energy for intense workouts and competitions.
  • Focus on healthy unsaturated fats like fatty fish, nuts and seeds. Limit saturated fats.
  • The right amount and type of fats can maximise performance, reduce inflammation and enhance skills.
  • Aim for 20 to 35% of calories from fat (70 to 125 g for most trampolinists). Balance with carbs and protein.

Hydration and its impact

Hydration and its impact - supertramp.co.uk

Staying hydrated is vital for sport trampoline athletes

Your body is made up of over 60% water, and every cell and organ in your body needs it to function properly. When exercising vigorously, you lose water and electrolytes through sweat. For trampolinists, hydration is key to maximising your performance, endurance and recovery.

Drink plenty of water before, during and after practice or competition

Aim for 6 to 8 ounces of water every 15 to 20 minutes while active. For every pound lost during exercise, drink 2 to 3 cups of water. Pay attention to your thirst and drink before you start to feel thirsty. Some signs of dehydration include increased thirst, dry mouth, dizziness or lightheadedness. Severe dehydration requires immediate medical attention.

Sports drinks with electrolytes

Electrolytes like sodium and potassium are lost in sweat and help maintain fluid balance in your body. For high intensity or endurance exercises on a trampoline, sports drinks can hydrate you while replenishing electrolytes. Look for drinks with less than 8% carbohydrates and more electrolytes like sodium (for example, less than 200 mg per 8 ounce serving).

Monitor your hydration to avoid negative impacts on performance

A decrease of 2% of your body weight indicates impaired performance. Urine colour is also an indicator— pale yellow to clear means you’re well hydrated, dark yellow means you need to drink more water. Staying properly hydrated will allow you to practise and compete at your best, while reducing recovery time. Keeping water easily accessible during exercise is key to developing the habit of frequent sipping for optimal hydration.


So in summary, what you eat and drink really does impact how you perform when bouncing around on a trampoline. Fuel up on the right vitamins, minerals, proteins and carbs for energy and strength. Stay hydrated to keep your body working at its best. Avoid heavy meals before flipping to prevent feeling sluggish. And don’t go overboard on caffeine or sugary drinks that can leave you shaky. Paying attention to nutrition allows you to get the most height on your jumps, nail those twists and flips, and bounce back after a tough routine. Keep these diet tips in mind next time you’re prepping for a trampoline competition or session. With the proper food and fluids in your system, you’ll be leaping with more power than ever.

What type of supplement can improve exercise performance and capacity?
Certain supplements like creatine, beta-alanine, and caffeine have been shown to enhance exercise performance and capacity by increasing energy levels, delaying fatigue, and improving muscle function.
How does poor nutrition affect sports performance?
Poor nutrition can negatively impact sports performance by causing fatigue, impairing recovery, reducing endurance and strength, increasing the risk of injury, and hindering overall physical and mental performance.
What is the role of dietary supplements in sports performance?
Dietary supplements play a role in sports performance by providing essential nutrients, improving energy levels, enhancing recovery, supporting muscle growth and repair, and addressing specific nutritional deficiencies that may affect athletic performance.
Why is nutrition important during exercise?
Nutrition is important during exercise because it fuels the body with essential nutrients and energy to sustain physical activity, supports hydration and electrolyte balance, promotes muscle repair and recovery, and optimises overall performance and endurance.
What is the role of nutrition in sports performance?
Nutrition plays a crucial role in sports performance by providing the body with the necessary fuel, nutrients, and hydration to optimise energy levels, enhance muscle function, support recovery, and improve overall physical and mental performance during training and competition.